HN210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abductor Hallucis Muscle, Abdominal Wall, Midbrain

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23 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Sternum: 3 parts, manubrium, clavicular notch, jugular notch, body, xiphoid process. Ribs: 12 pairs, true (1-7, false (8-10, floating (11-12, flat bones, head (where meets spine, neck, tubercle (btwn neck & body, body. Skeletal vertebral column: 5 regions, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx, protects spinal cord & supports trunk. Table 1: structural differences in typical male and female pelvises. Triangular in shape and smaller, oriented in anteroposterior direction. Articulations: btwn vertebral bodies, btwn vertebral arches, atlanto-occipital joint, atlanto-axial joint lumbrosacral joint. Occipital condyles + superior articular processes of the atlas. Axis b/w the inferior and superior articular processes of any two adjacent cervical vertebrae. Lumbosacral b/w the inferior and superior articular processes of any two adjacent vertebrae b/w inferior articular process of. Movement(s) (of the head) contributes to: lumbar flexion lumbar extension lumbar lateral flexion lumbar rotation* contributes to: lumbar flexion lumbar extension lumbar lateral flexion lumbar rotation.