PP209 : pp209 Readings and lectures.docx

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20 Dec 2014

Document Summary

It is either infinitely long causal chain or has a non-contingent first being. If it is infinitely long there must be a necessary being who causes the chain or a being that could not fail to exist. Maybe the deity is limited therefore unaware of or unable to stop evil. God permits necessary evil for some greater good. Natural evils may be due to free actions of satan etc. Sometimes destroys people rather than helps, much suffering goes unnoticed. Free will defense: moral good can"t exist unless we are free to choose our. Soul-making- hick, admirable human qualities couldn"t exist except as responses. Believes in a god that is all knowing, all powerful, perfectly good creator of the. Believes in the same qualities of gob but not human immortality, and future state. Humans rewarded or punished and he acts upon the world. Denies the creator"s moral attributes as well as their furthered actions upon.