PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Orientation, Electrodermal Activity, Lateral Hypothalamus

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Homeostasis is a state of physiological equilibrium or stability. Body reacts to many disturbances in physiological stability by trying to restore equilibrium. A drive is an internal state of tension that motivates an organism to engage in activities that should reduce this tension. When individuals experience a drive, they"re motivated to pursue actions that will lead to drive reduction. Incentive theories propose that external stimuli regulate motivational states. An incentive is an external goal that has the capacity to motivate behavior. Drive theories say that the source of motivation lies within the organism. Incentive theories emphasize how external stimuli pull people in certain directions. Natural selection favors behaviors of reproductive success. Motives are explained in terms of their adaptive value. Motives can be best understood in terms of the adaptive problems they have solved over the course of human history. Motivational theorists agree that humans display an enormous diversity of motives. People have a limited number of biological needs.