PS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Percentile Rank, Measuring Instrument, Null Hypothesis

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3 Oct 2013

Document Summary

**wundt believes psychology should focus on conscious experience. **watson behavior, based his work off of pavlov. **skinner free will is an illusion (repeating responses based on outcome) **g. stanley hall 1st north american laboratory. **random assignment will ensure similarities in test groups. Chapter 1: history of psychology and different schools of thought. Application is not neutral (ex: icarus flying to close to the sun) Psychology was born in germany in 1879, so it is a relatively youthful science. It is the science of human behavior -> exterior. The human interior -> the science of experience. Plato every student is a light , creative sparks, we are the interior. Difficulties/questions with psychology: the complexity of human behavior/brain. Brain can"t answer all questions about itself: ethical. Consequentialists intervene now means greater good for all (doing harm) ex: hugh cameron. Deontological approach protect all nature and humans (ex: