PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Immunotherapy, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Anxious/fearful: dependent, overly dependent on others for advice, clingy with friends/lovers, fear of abandonment. *there can be a combination of all three or two of the personality disorders. Somatoform disorders: belief that you are ill, mental disorder that manifests itself as psychical injury or illness, belief you experience physical complaints/disabilities, no known biological cause. Conversion disorder: the development of sudden symptoms suggestive of neurological damage, yet perfectly healthy, causes blindness, paralysis, or other symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation. Suggests neurological problem - none present: glove anaesthesia. Impossible, numbness would be down arm as a second picture. Disorder examples: winnie the pooh character for dysthymia (depression): eeyore, winnie the pooh character for bipolar: tigger. Interactive experience with a trained professional, working, understanding and changing behaviour, thinking, relationships, and emotions: biological therapy, use of medications and other procedures acting directly on the body to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders.