PS102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Metacognition, Factor Analysis, Geneticist

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21 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Involves the ability to learn and the ability to meet the demands of the environment effectively. Meeting demands of the environment may be different (i. e some people may be extremely intelligent but struggle in social aspects) Involves the ability to understand and control ones mental, activities metacognition: sometimes understood as the ability to think about one"s thinking. Rather it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings- catching on", making sense" of things. Thurstone and primary mental abilities: lewis l thurston argued that intelligence is made up of 7 distinct mental abilities, word fluency, numerical skill, spatial ability, assertive memory, perceptual speed, and reasoning which he termed primary mental abilities. Capacity for scientific analysis and logical and mathematical. Sensitivity to sounds and rhythm; capacity for musical expression. Sensitivity to the emotions and motivations of others; skillful at. Ability to understand one"s self and one"s strengths and.