PS267 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pupillary Reflex, Fetus, Tabula Rasa

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America did not come until the late (cid:883)(cid:891)5(cid:882)(cid:495)s: donald hebb (1904-1985) (cid:498)father of biopsychology(cid:499) Posner (1986) (au, sc: even simple things as letter we have multiple representations (aa, aa, au, Computer modeling: computer models are used to stimulate neural networks in order to ask questions about cognitive processes and generate predictions that can be tested in future research. It sympathise with what happening and makes you ready for fight and flight. Important for some eye movements, generates rem sleep, and modulates arousal: breathing, hr, bp, digestive and vomiting responses you have no vital functions, pons (& cerebellum, cerebellum (little brain) Involved in action selection, motor preparation, timing, reward-based learning: a collection of subcortical including the striatum (caudate nucleus + putamen), globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra. If it takes input more then one sensory system (ex. vision & sound)