PS267- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Dendrites: branches that receive input from other neurons, spines; axon terminal. Axons: single process that extends from the cell body and represents the outburst side of the neuron. Neuronal transmission occurs at the end of the axon terminals (synapse) Nodes of ranvier: gaps between sections of myelin. Glial cell: structural support for neurons, insulation to neurons. Neuronal signaling: neurons communicate with each other by receiving, evaluating and transmitting info. Presynaptic terminal: sender neuron"s axon releases chemicals into the synapse. Postsynaptic terminal: when the chemicals bind to receptors on the dendrites of the receiver neuron. Resting potential: -70mv ; more negatively charged ions inside than outside the cell. Organic ions: can never get outside of the cell. Random motion force: trying to push sodium in, push potassium out. Concentration gradient: drives na+ in , drives k+ out. Ion channels: allow certain ions to flow in or out of the cell.