PS267 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus, Medial Geniculate Nucleus, Auditory Cortex

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5 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Audition: outer ear, auditory canal, tympanic membrane (ear drum, middle ear, ossicles: incus, maleus, staphes, oval window. Inner ear: cochlea, basilar membrane, hair cells, round window. Ipsilateral nuclei in the medulla: auditory nerve, superior olives, medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus, primary auditory cortex. Olfaction: bipolar receptors, glomerulus, olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve (to ipsilateral cortex/same side, primary olfactory cortex, secondary olfactory cortex (orbitofrontal cortex) Gustation: papillae, taste bud, taste pore, taste receptors, corda tympanic nerve + facial nerve, solitary tract of brain stem, ventral posterior medial nucleus of thalamus, primary gustatory cortex, secondary taste areas of orbital frontal cortex. Somatosensation: receptor, dorsal horn of spinal cord, dorsal column, medulla, contralateral thalamus, primary somatosensory cortex, secondary somatosensory cortex. Vision: pupil & lens & cornea, retina, photoreceptors (rods & cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve, optic chiasm, 90% of axons, lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus, primary visual cortex, 10% of axons, superior colliculus & pulvinar nucleus.