PS280 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Major Depressive Disorder, Dsm-5, Thought Disorder

109 views5 pages
14 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Section i: introduction and use of manual (background, intro to relevant issues, guidelines for use) Section ii: diagnostic criteria and codes (includes psychological disorders, collects info on patient) 19 categories of disorders grouped on basis of broad similarities, how disorder affects people, how people experiencing problems may appear to clinician. Also grouped on basis of similar etiology, and whether they represent internalizing or externalizing symptoms + arranged in order of when they manifest in lifespan. New dsm-5 said hoarding disorder is distinct from ocd, has higher prevalence, people show less insight into problem, worsens over time, not accompanied by obsession thoughts, does not respond to treatment for ocd. Section iii: emerging measures and models (optional models, measures, diagnoses in need of study) Ex who disability assessment schedule 2. 0, cultural formulation interview (1) neurodevelopmental disorders. Intellectual, emotional, and physical disorders that typically begin before maturity (autism etc)