PS280 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Concurrent Validity, Predictive Validity, Psychophysiology

109 views3 pages
14 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Diagnosis: identification of the nature of a person"s disease or condition, or a statement of that finding. Diagnostic system: classification system of rules for recognizing + grouping various abnormalities. Assessment: serves as basis for diagnosis, procedure through which info is gathered systematically in the evaluation of a condition. Interviews w patient or family, medical testings, psychophysiological or psychological testing. Prognosis: future development of this pattern of behaviours. The ability to categorize info allows scientists to better identify and understand various phenomena. Provides a description of different mental disorders + vocabulary for communicating them w others. Identify individuals who meet criteria for a particular disorder and to exclude those who do not, used in research, of which the findings help refine/improve systems. Needed for surveying population health / understanding the prevalence and etiology of problems. Reliability: must give the same measurement for a given thing every time. Inter-rater reliability: extent to which two clinicians agree on diagnosis of particular patient.