RE103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Choice Theory, Unconditional Love

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6 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Essay question: there seems to be an increasing interest in romantic love around the world today. Talks about the love that people in the west feel for god. By loving god, we love each other and the world around us with true devotion and passion. By nature, the west inherits these loving traits and applies the traits to the cultures. Hesed: loving kindness that should be applied to our actions and feelings. Love comes in many forms eros, friendship, self-giving (lovers, friends, families, etc. : friendship is shown in the hebrew bible through ruth and. Naomi, and jonathan and david: even though these are examples of friendship love, passion and intimacy are still present. Much of the ways that women could communicate with men on a deep level are due to the literacy rates in nepal rising. The main way to practice courtship due to literacy is love-letter writing.