YC100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hegemonic Masculinity, David Schuler, White Supremacy

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Definitions: critical race feminism (crf)- expands lens through which the legal and social oppression of women of colour is analyzed and understood. Social construction- a theoretical framing which suggests that an image idea or thing that is a product of a social world rather than an innate or biological. Ex: all women can have children ( wrong because transgender and infertile women) Critiques- developmental approaches can frame children as incomplete adults, can often perceiver children as objects, rather than agents, can conceptualize children as lack or as deficits, can often place power and authority onto child professionals. Heterosexism- can be defined as the cultural logic that presumes that heterosexuality is superior to other sexualities, often through claims that produce heterosexuality as normal and natural. Gender normativity- children before being born are already gendered by the world (girl= pink, boy=blue). Emphasized femininity- performing most valued form of felinity, subordinate, accommodating boys/men focused on looks.