ADMS 3701 Study Guide - Final Guide: Crisis Communication

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Dec 1 lecture: mitigation basics as applied to risk reduction. Three times for mitigation in the disaster cycle. Response environment: working in field and sometimes in adverse conditions. Mitigation can eliminate the need for response. The environment is some field work and some office. Activities are planning and building type activities. Mitigation can eliminate the need for recovery. Means actions prior to disaster to be ready for the crisis. Environment is field outreach and some office. Activities are planning and exercise type activities. Is visible to the public (if you can get their attention) Environment is mostly office for analysis and meetings. Mitigation is visible to many emergency managers. The most ignored phase of the disaster cycles. Something that might be worked on as luxury. We will get to it when everything else is done. Mitigation planners are never heroes for what they prevent. Project takes too long i don"t see any results jobs.