ECON 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pencil, Mobile Phone, Scantron Corporation

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Midterm test 1 version b (white color) Please do not open exam until instructed to do so. Please raise your hand if you find you have the same color test paper as the one next to you. Failure to inform the professor of this matter will result of zero: do not remove the staple of detach the pages during the exam, no calculators. Calculator is not allowed during exam: only answers on the scantron sheet are graded. Any writing on the exam paper will not be read for grading: all the test questions and your scantron sheet must be returned. Failure to do so will result in zero for the test and you will be charged with academic misconduct: all electronic devices including cellular phone must be completely turned off and stored away from the exam area. If a cellular phone is found in the exam area, you will receive zero for this exam: total exam time is 60 minutes.