KINE 1020 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Physical Exercise, Continuous Spectrum

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Or does being healthy cause them to be physically active i. e. relationship btwn. Edward stanley: more efficient when exercising. Rct - randomized control trial - gold standard study design for research. More labour intensive than cross-sectional studies o. Cross-sectional studies are when researches collect data on a large sample of people. Rct is when they randomly assign individuals different roles and observe the effects: half of them are physically active- other half sedentary. Can you make someone stop smoking by making them exercise more: adapting to other lifestyle techniques o. Inconclusive to relationship between positive health/safety practices and physical activity o. Just bc theyre healthy doesn"t mean theyre going to adopt all these diff. lifestyles. Luigi galvani - electricity stimulates contractions o. Electric charges stimulate nerves and causes muscle contractions. Carl ludwig - measures human blood pressure for first time o. Sticking tube in artery and watching pressure change. Augustus de"sire - recoreds electrical activity of human heart o.