MGMT 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Allday, Bp, Knowledge Economy

38 views7 pages
26 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Valuing diversity is important to keep in mind when making decisions and solving problems. With diversity there are more open doors for discussion and it allows for ideas and opinions of different people with different perspectives/views on an issue to come forth. By valuing diversity when making decisions or solving problems, people can be respectful to different cultures, religions/backgrounds, and personal differences present which will avoid various red flags of discrimination. During discussions people will be more accepting of various thoughts, and be open to change by understanding diversity. Also, people will feel more welcomed and appreciated when they are valued as individuals. The company johnson & johnson demonstrates valuing diversity when making decisions and solving problems. The impact of diversity has helped them generate great ideas, which attracted many customers (source: http://www. jnj. com/about-jnj/diversity). Diversity leads to difference of opinions but it opens doors for various solutions to come up to a certain problem.