NATS 1540 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cyanobacteria, Kwazulu-Natal, Stromatolite

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Document Summary

Part 1: the creation of the earth and moon and first life. Note: what follows is a summary, explanation and discussion of the documentary seen in class birth of planet, prehistoric disasters, 2011 discovery communications, llc. dealing with the creation of the earth and moon and first life on earth. As the planets solidified, the solar system was still filled cosmic debris, where millions of asteroids probably bombarded the planets. While the earth could weather any number of impacts from meteors the questions was whether it could survive an impact with something larger. Since earth"s axis tilts 23 degrees and has a moon one astronomer, bill hartman, theorized that there was a smaller body which orbited the sun at exactly the same distance as the. Earth and collided with the earth as the earth was forming. This massive something was a newly formed planet, theia, about half the earth"s size.