NATS 1745 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ellipse, Grater, Orbital Period

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* = part of question is not yet finished. 1: a conjunction or overlapping of jupiter and saturn. He realized that the existing almanac and ephemerides, which record stellar and planetary positions, were inaccurate. The copernican tables were several days off in predicting this even. This motivated him to a life devoted to the accumulation of accurate observations of the heavens (correcting the existing tables) He found the coordinates of the 1572 supernovae ( tycho"s star ) remained fixed relative to other stars. The earth is at the centre of the universe while the sun, and moon and the stars revolve around it. The other five planets revolve around the sun. 10: if the sun drives planetary motion, then an off centre sun must induce non-constant planetary speeds, the planet mars" orbit is eccentric, - the orbits of planets are ellipses with the sun at one focus. The more elongated the ellipse, the grater its eccentricity.