NATS 1745 Quiz: Winter History of Astronomy Review

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Winter term black body: absorber of energy at all electromagnetic wavelengths, release blackbody radiation. ex. stars, planets. Thomson model for atom: plum pudding, matter had positive and negative charges, electrons subatomic, negatively charged. Rutherford model for atom: planetary model, positively charged nucleus, orbited by negatively charged electrons, lots of empty space. gold foil experiment, positively charged alpha particles sometimes rebound from foil. Bohr model for atom: electrons orbit nucleus, have speci c orbits with speci c energy. different from rutherford because his orbits were like planetary orbits where bohr"s was circular. Absorption for atom: electron absorbs photon of speci c energy, jump from lower orbit to higher. upward transition. Wein"s law: as temperature increases, peak of black body curve changes to shorter wavelengths. right amount of energy needed. Mercury"s orbit, ellipse changes location, perihelion changes slightly per century. can nd dark matter.