NATS 1880 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scientific Method, Scientific Modelling, Pseudoscience

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What is its orbital period: 2. 08 years, 2. 99 years, 6. 34 years, 5. 17 years. Chapter 2: the science of life in the universe: the dwarf planet eris has an orbital period about the sun, p of 557 years. This is an example of: nonscience, discovery science, hypothesis-driven science, pseudoscience. Chapter 2: the science of life in the universe: a scientist intuitively believes that a higher power must be present in the universe. However, she can provide no experimental data to support her belief. This is an example of: pseudoscience, hypothesis-driven science, nonscience, discovery science, a person claims to have been abducted by aliens and subjected to painful medical procedures that left scarring. However, he refuses to allow interested scientists to study his scars. Chapter 2: the science of life in the universe: two asteroids are found at the same distance from the sun. However, one asteroid is twice as massive the other.