POLS 1000 Midterm: POLS1000ExamQuestion3StudyNotes

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Definition of a mixed regime : combine elements that are considered democratic and some elements considered aristocratic. Definition of ambiguity : unclear or double meaning. Manin argues that representative government is a mixed regime we see this through : elections, venice and. Representative government should be acknowledged as mix of both democratic and aristocratic elements. We see this through distinction principle, and benefits of ambiguity. Representative government is when a few elected individuals are to represent the society as a whole. The concept of the distinction principle added a non-democratic aspect to the electoral system. Distinction principle was implemented by the creators of representative government. Definition: public office holders should economically, socially, and morally be superior to their electors. We can see this in the early days of representative government where the non-democratic attributes lies in the restricted aspect of the electoral franchise. Manin analyzes england , france, and america to see how it is restrictive.