PSYC 2110 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Reinforcement, Direct Manipulation Interface, Muscle Tone

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Psyc 2110 developmental psychology lecture week 4. When babies are in-utero, baby might pick up some ambient noise but not understand sound of other people talk. Babies do pick up some of mom"s voice due to vibration of spinal cord. Study the physical growth of newborn and how it acquires motor skills. When babies first born, doctors do assessment (physical) on viability of the chid. Why do we do this assessment: to determine health of baby, behavior is closely related to neurological mechanisms, if baby does not meet criteria, then baby might be at risk for neurological issues. Exposed to teratogens: teratogens: an agent or factor that cause malformation of an embryo. Teenage mothers may not seek prenatal care, malnutrition. Unmarried mothers being unmarried typically correlated with other factors. Babies with low birth weight normal: 6/7 lb weight. Babies born with caesarean section recent research shows these babies are at greater risk for allergy, diabetes, obesity, psychological issues (slow attention)