PSYC 3140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Final Blow, Moral Treatment, Learned Helplessness

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Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 5, and 4 (pp. Mesmer, suggested to his patients that their problem/illness was due to an undetectable fluid found in all living organism called animal magnetism that could become blocked. The opposition of libido and thanatos derives from another basic idea that arises repeatedly in psychoanalytic thinking: the doctrine of opposites which states that everything requires its opposite, life requires death, happiness requires sadness, etc. The id operates based on the pleasure principle (maximizing pleasure in order to minimize tension/conflict), it wants instant gratification and it is not rational about how to obtain it. He called these disorders neurosis: oral stage. Freud stated that the following body parts, the mouth, lips and tongue are the sexual organs --which means that during this stage the mouth is where the life forces and primary feelings of pleasure are concentrated.