SOCI 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tangled, George Herbert Mead, Robert Sapolsky

136 views5 pages
16 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Social facts: laws, customs, moral rules and regulations of a society that exist independently of the individual and constrain the individual"s actions. External to the individual and capable of exercising coercive power. External and objective: obligations which are defined in our laws and customs, received them through education. Coercive/obligatory/normative: violate the rules react against (social distance, taken for granted no longer informed therefore it seems as if we are making our own decisions. How to study social facts: statistics: examine how many people behave that way. Social structure: social constrains + opportunities that constrain and permit you to do certain kinds of things in your life. Looks at the influence of large scale, face-to-face social networks. Core concept in sociological literature: fixed patterns that constrain us, control or promote a certain way of being. Durable, persistent, enduring + non-negotiable: cannot change social structure. Agency: individual choices + actions that permit you to do sorts of things.