BIO-3314 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tapetum Lucidum, Actinopterygii, Ovoviviparity

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Cartilaginous endoskeleton - lighter, more boyant, made by multiple layers and internal struts: composition and construction, advantages vs. Skin and placoid scales - flexible and protective, reduction in turbulence. Liver filled with oils, up to 30% body mass for buoyancy. Reproduction -oviparous- lays eggs, ovoviparous- egg in female, no placenta, viviparous- egg in uterus, with placenta. Jaws and teeth amphistylic- upper jaw articulates w cranium (ancestral), hyostylic - attached to cranium by ligaments (modern sharks), euhostylic- no direct contact w cranium (rays), autostylic- upper jaw fused to cranium (chimera) ***figure 6. 2: simplified cladogram of cartilaginous fishes: know placement of key innovations. Endochondral bone, operculum, bladder (fon extends down limb) Eob f sam bitter bitter sam maybe maybe. Subclass holocephali spookfish, chimera, deep water, whip tails. Superorder galeomorphi nurse, whale sharks, anal fin, Superorder squalomorphi dogfish shark, more primitive, small brain, Understand how shark life-history makes them more vulnerable. Lecture 12: osteichthyes 1: overview of bony fishes and actinopterygii.