CJ 3400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Saturated Fat, Mental Disorder, Hyperglycemia

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Organism level factors and crimes (chapter 6: an organism is n individual constituted to carry on the activities of life by the means of organs , factors at this level of analysis: (unique to individuals) Mental illness: this is a brain disorder (physical not mental, imbalance of neurotransmitters that interferes with thinking, feeling, and behaving, major types include: major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. 43. 8 million adult americans diagnosed every year. Most people with mental illness are not violent. Violence is most likely under the following conditions: when paranoia and delusions are present (schizophrenia, no formal treatment being received, self-medication (drug abuse) The good news is dietary manipulation works to change behavior! Drug consumption: any absorbed substance that changes any physical or psychological function in the body , all drugs (legal and illegal) affect neurotransmitters and thus behavior, effects of drug depend on: User"s biological make-up: drug use vs. abuse.