ASB 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fission Track Dating, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Radiometric Dating

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Anything that can affect future survival or fertility is worth less than anything that affects current survival and fertility. All future fertility will be lost if you die now. If you have no future fertility there is no selection pressure to survive. Organisms should evolve to value kin according to their reproductive value. Older adults sacrifice younger adults: characteristics that indicate low reproductice value tends to lower ones value to kin. Bc natural selection favors a life history that invests little in survival beyond a certain age. Lecture 10: what is uniformitarianism? the theory that changes in the earth"s crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes, know the difference between paleontology, paleoanthropology, archeology. Ecofacts- remains of human activity that are not intentionally produced (eg. fire scars, pollen from collected plants, animal bones from food, etc) Features- non-portable evidence of human activity (eg. a fire hearth, post holes from a hut, storage bins).