COM 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nonverbal Communication, Central Board Of Secondary Education, Body Shape

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Nonverbal codes distinct, organized means of expression that consist of symbols and rules for their use. Kinesics a nonverbal communication sent by the body, including gestures, posture, movement, facial expressions, and eye behavior. Paralinguistics all of spoken language except the word themselves; includes rate, volume, pitch, stress, etc. Chrone mics the study of the way people use time as a message. Monochronic engaging in one task or behavior at a time. Proxemics the study of how one uses space. Know the definition of a nonverbal code and be able to recognize examples: definition pg. 1 ex. Know the definition for kinesics, the two broad categories of kinesics: definition pg. 1, involving face. Be able to define paralinguistics and know the two diffe rent categories of paralinguistics and how they differ: definition pg. 1: voice qualities and vocalizations difference is real sense of sounds vs the uttering sounds. Know what chronemics is, how cultures differ in their use of chrone mics: definition pg. 1.