MKT 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Business Process Management, Business Process, Role Conflict

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28 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Business processes: a series of activities that are linked to convert inputs into a product or service output: criteria: Business process reengineering (bpr): fundamental, radical redesign of business processes that an organization undertakes to achieve breakthrough performance in key measures of cost, quality, speed, & service: characteristics a. i. Optimize core competencies: principles, clean slate reengineering: starting over from scratch and completely redesigning a process c. i. If we had no limitations, what would this look like? c. ii. As-is process: current way business is completing process; is analyzed c. iii. To-be process: how system will exist in future; is designed. Technology to complete new process is entirely new project c. iv. 3. Only used by the largest companies with expendable resources: technology enabled reengineering: base reengineering off of technology d. i. Constrained reengineering because company"s information system"s design constrains process design d. ii. Provides roadmap for transformation by eliminating many of the difficult decisions required when designing processes from scratch d. ii. 2.