PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Intuitionism, Lawrence Kohlberg, Irreversible Process

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Differing aptitude among boys and girls;growth spurt begins earlier in girls then in boys. Males experience voice change, facial hair, muscle skeletal growth. Females experience breast growth and widening of hips. Females experience menarche and boys spermarche which signals the beginning of puberty. It is the stage during which sexual functions reach maturity, which marks the beginning of adolescence. In the male testes, penis, and related internal strutures. In female ovaries, vagina, uterus, and other internal structures. Menarche/females and spermarche/males are signals of beginning of puberty. Females beginning puberty earlier then previous generations, possibly due to improvements in nutrition and medical care. Jean piaget was a swiss scholor who developed a stage theory of development. Intrigued by children"s wrong answers to questions which lead him to how children use their intelligence. Proposed that children"s thought processes go through a series of four stages: sensorimotor period, preoperational period, concrete operational period, and formal operational period.