PSY 101 Final: Detailed Finals Study Guide!

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Study tip: if a concept was covered in lecture, always use lecture notes. Remember that the methods lectures from the beginning of the semester will be included on this exam. Believed that abnormal behavior was strictly a deviation from social norms, opposed the medical model. Thinking of abnormal behavior as a disease, very common way of thinking in 18/19th centuries, but still common today. Prognosis: the forecast about the probable course of an illness. Behavior outside of norm, interferes with functioning, and causes danger to anyone &/or patient"s personal distress. Diagnostic statistical manual, 4th edition (bible of clinical psychology) Ii: personality disorders: not as pervasive, but long lasting part of life. Iv: psychosocial problems: if person has difficulties in social parts of life. V: global assessment of functioning: overall functioning (job, relationships, education) Generalized anxiety disorders: very broad (not caused by particular threat) Phobic disorder: specific/irrational fears; public speaking is a common one, 2 most common: spiders and heights.