PSY 101 Midterm: study guide exam 4

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Study tip: if a concept was covered in lecture, always use lecture notes. Remember that the methods lectures from the beginning of the semester will be included on this exam. Thomas szasz: first to say you that you can t just claim any abnormal behavior is a psychological disorder (ex: homosexuality) Medical model: mental illness can happen to any one. Diagnosis vs prognosis: psycho diagnosis: clinical syndromes, personality disorders, medical conditions, psychosocial problems, global assessment of overall functioning. All axis must be evaluated before any diagnosis is made. The behavior is out of the norm 2. It interferes with functioning (ex: jobs and relationships) 3. Causes physical danger to anyone and/or patient or gives the patient personal distress. The dsmiv is the book used to look deeper into a disorder after someone shows traits of one on the mmpi or other tests.