MUSI 2730 Study Guide - Final Guide: String Vibration, Oratorio, Ethnomusicology

149 views5 pages
29 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Total abandonment of tonality (which is centered in one key). atonal. Chordophones- sound from a vibrating string stretched between two points (violin, harp, guitar, sitar) idiophones- sound from the substances of the instrument itself (bells, rattles, xylophones, cymbals) New type of notation that the composer put a numeral above. Virtuosic solo passage in the manner of an improvisation, performed his contemporaries were highly influenced by non-western and. Music is capable of arousing a variety of emotions element of musical expression relating to the degree of loudness of. Symphones-are his masterpieces in the genre: emperor quartet, symphony no. 100 (military), and trumpet concerto id e fixe links different movements of a work. instruments (see ch. 9) instrument families strings (violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp, guitar) woodwinds (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) brass (trumpet, french horn, trombone, tuba) percussion (xylophone, cymbals, triangle, bass drum, chimes) interval.