POL 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: De Jure, De Facto, Exclusionary Rule

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Document Summary

Government & american ideals: government: a political system that exercises authority (formal institutions and practices, democracy, direct: people vote directly, representative: people vote for a representative, constitutional govt: government with a constitution. Helps define the distribution of powers within the three branches: capitalism: controlled by private owners for profit rather than state/government officials, john locke: people have the right to overthrow their government if the government is not fit. Goals of man are life, liberty, and property: social contract: contract where people give certain freedoms for the government to give them security, liberty: freedom. Founding: revolutionary war: french & indian war expensive. Colonies did not want to get rid of government. Congress --> colonies are not interacting with each other. Shot heard around the world: declaration of independence: list of criticisms written by the founding. Fathers that: thomas jefferson: main writer of declaration of independence. Proved that ao. c is very weak: tyranny of the majority: the a. o. c.