BIO 1306 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phosphorus Cycle, Thermodynamics, Ecosystem Diversity

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Apical meristems are responsible for secondary growth in plants: false. Some of the largest leaves in the world can be found on plants near the forest floor of dense tropical rain forests. Which of the following precursors for photosynthesis is most likely limited in these large leaves: light. One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that: leaves have a waxy coating, roots do not. The driving force that pushes the root tip through the soil is primarily: elongation of cells. Vascular bundles are scattered evenly throughout in the stem of a eudicot: false. Tree rings are a characteristic of: edicots. Root hairs: increase surface area: stems. Nodes: the points at which leaves are attached. Apical bud: growing shoot tip, causes elongation. Axillary bud: has the potential to form a lateral branch, thorn or flower: leaves: main photosynthetic organ. Dermal, vascular, and ground tissue systems: dermal tissue system. Periderm: protective tissue: vascular tissue system.