PSC 2302 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Parliamentary System, Individualism, Negative And Positive Rights

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Parliamentary system: type of government where there is no true separation between the executive and legislative functions, federalism, type of government where power is divided or delegated to sub nations or subunits like states or provinces. xi. Unitary system: power is not shared but delegated/emanated from the central government to subsidies, power is maintained at the top level. xii. Judicial review: it is the power of the judicial branch to review and if necessary invalidate legislation or executive actions that is inconsistent with the constitution. xiii. Amendment: a formal change to the constitution, two-step process, 2/3 vote in the both houses or a national constitutional convention, of the states needed to ratify an amendment. xiv. Bill of rights: is the listing that represents freedom, rights, and liberties in theory because it depends on the degree to which a government abides to. xv.