[REL 1350] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 34 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Lesson 2: context for the emergence of christianity. Judaism: occurred before the birth of christ, christianity was born from. Jesus would have been considered a post-apocalyptic prophet. Apocalyptic prophets speak of event that is about to come and a change that should will occur. In the roman empire: many people in the roman empire didn"t like jesus. Jewish people saw themselves as apart of the roman empire but oppressed by them as well: the roman empire gave the jews a medium a way to spread the. Rome had a unified language, greek: the roman empire had roads and infrastructures and was very large, united by alexander the great. They saw their allegiance to god and not the emperor and had different worship practices than surrounding peoples. (minus the. Oral histories: stories of jesus circulated for centuries before they were written the. Scripture: those who wrote the scriptures were not actually there during the events.