SOC 1305 Final: SOC 1301 Chapter 1 Review

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22 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Chapter review 1 thinking like a sociologist. Name____________________________: a sociological _____________________________________ helps us understand how larger imagination social ___________________________ affect individuals and how individuals affect society. forces. ______________________________________. sociology: marx believed that society is divided into the _____________________ haves (___________________________) and the ____________________ __________________ have nots capatalists proletariat (____________________________________). Weber subjective: ______________________ posited that an understanding of society requires a. _______________________________. verstehen: the problem of the twentieth century, he wrote, is the problem of the color line. ________________________ _________________________: similarly, the parts of a __________________________________, like the parts of a society body. ______________________, work together to maintain the whole structure. ________________________________ theory examines how and why groups disagree, conflict struggle compete. _________________________ over power, and ____________________________ for scarce resources: for _________________________________ ____________________________________, interactionists symbolic society is socially ____________________________________ through human interpretation. constructed.