ANTHRO 3AC Midterm: ANTHRO 3AC Midterm 1: Study Guide

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No recognition of the ability to learn about the past through materials. Archbishop james ussher calculated with the bible that the earth was made in. Acquisition of artifacts tied to european nationalism. Elgin marbles: a collection of greek marble sculptures; they were given to britain while the sublime porte ruled greece greeks say this was theft of national patrimony. Began to question validity of the bible- foreshadowing the enlightenment. John leland and john aubrey documented prehistoric sites. A problem was that people were only recording things, not analyzing them. William stukeley (a druid) recorded british monuments and tried to determine their age. Made a 3 age system: judging the time period artifacts were made in based on their material- stone, bronze, or iron. Seriation: to put artifacts in a series based on gradual stylistic changes. Jens worsaae conducted systematic excavations and confirmed thomsen"s 3 age system. Law of uniformitarianism: natural laws and principles operate uniformly.