HISTORY 178 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ion Antonescu, Mein Kampf, Rassenschande

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21 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Reichstag fire - feb 27, 1933; parliament building, nazis blamed the dutch communists, nazis used as evidence that communists were plotting against german govt. Emergency fire decree - after the parliament fire, hitler persuaded pres hindenburg to pass emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and purse a ruthless confrontation with. Communist party led to mass arrests of communists, including parliamentary delegates. Enabling act - march 24, 1933; gave hitler the power to enact laws without involving the parliament, enabling act + emergency fire decree = legal dictatorship. Dachau - march 1933; first concentration camp by himmler, initially intended to hold political prisoners. Gleichschaltung - process of nazification of every single public agency. Night of the long knives - june 30-july 2, 1934; series of executions (of. Sa/brownshirts) intended to consolidate hitler"s absolute hold on power. Vatican nazi concordat treaty - july 20, 1933; ensures catholic church doesn"t raise opposition to anything.