NUSCTX 10 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Basal Metabolic Rate, Stomach, Digestive Enzyme

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Process of obtaining and assimilating food for (1) growth, (2) maintenance, (3) health, and (4) reproduction of organism. Social + biological + physical + psychological sciences to understand processes of nutrition. Functions of nutrients (1) forming structures: weight of body due to water, fat, protein, form and maintain shape and structure of body c, at cellular level, lips and proteins make cell membranes. Protein form ligaments (connects bones) and tendons (attach muscles to bones) (2) providing energy: macronutrients and micronutrients keep body healthy, biochemical reactions release energy in c, f, p c. d. Energy used to maintain body functions and fuel physical work. If more energy is consumed than needed, weight increases. 3 functional categories of nutrients: (1) provide energy (2) growth and development, later maintenance (3) keep body functions. Right amount of energy to keep weight in desirable range. Proper types and balance of c, f, p (whole grains, fiber, polyunsaturated fat)