PHYSICS 10 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chocolate Chip, Liquid Hydrogen, The China Syndrome

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Essay questions (40 pts): pick one and only one to answer and circle it. Start your essay on this side, and continue it on the other side. Cover the important points in a clear and concise manner as if you have only a few minutes to tell the president, your roommate, or your parent, what that person needs to know. English is not your first language, state so at the top of your essay. The essay may be up to a page and a half long. If you need to re-write your essay, ask for a new sheet: sound channels: describe natural sound channels that exist on the earth. Give examples of other kinds of waves that show similar behavior: invisible light includes ir and uv. Name two other form of invisible light, and name applications for each. Include medical applications: the laser was an invention that has changed our every-day lives.