PHYSICS 10 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wind Wave, Scantron Corporation, Magnetic Monopole

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Physics 10 midterm exam 2 essay questions. Essay questions (20 pts): pick one and only one to answer; circle the one you choose. Julie if you find it more convenient to write large, you may write more than one sheet. Cover the important points in a clear and concise manner as if you have only a few minutes to tell the president, your roommate, or your parent, what that person needs to know. If you need to re-write, ask for a new sheet: electricity and magnetism seem different, but electricity can create magnetism, and magnetism can create electricity. Give examples illustrating how this is used for practical applications: waves. Everyone knows that water waves are waves but there are many other. things that are also waves, even though the general public wouldn"t know it. Give examples of as many such phenomena as possible. For each, describe how the wave nature affects the behavior of the phenomenon.