PSYCH C61 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neanderthal, Axon Hillock, Homo Habilis

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21 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Chauvet cave discovered in 1994 over 30,000 years" old. Removed from entrances and completely impervious to light. Ancient humans used this darkness as an aid to inner exploration. In darkness, absence of visual stimuli can better understand our internal mental experience. Animals are prominent part of these paintings. Animals as sources of knowledge and power. Some ancient paintings represent shamanic connections between humans and animals. People who are particularly skilled at accessing states of mind that are sources of knowledge and power. Often used in the service of others in a community. Some believe shamans can communicate with plants, animals and other elements of nature. Shamans are respected members throughout recorded history and in many societies today. Use darkness to aid their shamanic journeys. Plains of eastern africa are where most old fossils of humans are found. This savanna is principle site of human evolution. Stanley kubrick, arthur c. clarke, clarke"s three laws.