[SOCIOL 5] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (46 pages long!)

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Believing that something has to break your good luck. Statement: soc grads make more than grads (what is dependent variable?) Tradition (folk wisdom, passed down knowledge, rule of thumb) Authority (accepting authority having specialized knowledge that can be trusted) Inaccurate observation (mistakes in observation: estimation, memories unclear) Overgeneralization (conclusions from overgeneralizing with a few limited options) (small sample size) Selective observation ( without scientific approach we say things like i did not know anyone who voted for so and so they couldn"t have won) (interpret world in a stuck mindset) (view of how the world works) Which flavors of ice cream do you like best. Wanting to find out for america but only using small sample size of a classroom. Large samples; replicate studies to make sure same results are produced. Specify in advance the number and type of observations to e made; try to find cases that do not fit the general pattern.