PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Puberty, Prenatal Hormones And Sexual Orientation, Source Amnesia

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Document Summary

Memory: recall, recognition, relearning (faster the second time, memory systems, sensory memory. Iconic (visual): 1 sec: eidetic: snapchat memory, echoic (sound): 5-10 secs, short-term memory: connections, chunking, rehearsal. Levels of processing: shallow, deep, long-term memory, explicit (declarative) Holding info that you may or may not want later (later disposal: memory processes, encoding. Interference: retroactive/proactive, motivated forgetting, memory problems: reconstruction errors, misinformation/imagination effects, source amnesia, attribution error, d j vu, true/false memories, repressed/constructed memories, reliability of recovered memories. Improving memory: sleep, make material meaningful, retrieval cues, mnemonic devices, minimize interference. Intellectual development: schemas, assimilation, accommodation, stages, sensorimotor (birth 2 years) Lev vygotsky: scaffolding, zone of proximal development, social development, origins of attachment, survival mechanisms: stay close to parents, body contact (harlow, familiarity, attachment differences (ainsworth, secure attachment. Insecure avoidant attachment: parenting style, permissive, authoritarian, authoritative (best one) Indifferent: adolescence, physical development: sexual maturity, hormones, first ejaculation (14)/menses (12, cognitive development, reasoning abilities, metacognition: our own thinking, other"s thi(cid:374)ki(cid:374)g/perspectives.