CAS BI 107 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Peppered Moth, Paleozoic, Organism

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Gradual/cumulative change characteristics of organism generation to generation over prolonged period of time. Theory: explanation observed things supported scientifically collected data/modified more evidence available. Use and disuse: if used organ increase in size. Discredited as phenotypes not passed to offspring and redundant organs (ie: tonsils) not disappear. Independently conceived of nature, even observable , way for life to change. Galapagos islands (rough terrain see changes easily) Offspring same species produce large number of offspring. If organism have trait help withstand elements/breed more successfully=produce more offspring so trait become more common. Darwin said variation occur, adaptations favour survival passed on, population produce more offspring than environment can support=survival fittest. Some variations more favourable allowing individual to survive. Variation result random mutations cell divide (ie: size, colouration) Organisms experience environmental pressures (competition, predation, climatic, disease) Some individuals more successful finding food, mating, avoiding predation=survive/breed=pass on dna (differential reproduction) Advantageous trait passed onto next generation=common population.