CAS BI 108 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Thoracic Cavity, Abdominal Cavity, Reproductive System

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The reproductive system: gestational changes in the female. Definition = the time a zygote, embryo, and fetus is carried in the female reproductive tract. Obstetrics = the specialized branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, labor, and the period immediately following birth. Occupies most of pelvic cavity by end of month 3. At full-term, occupies most of the abdominal cavity: liver, intestines and stomach are pushed upward, elevates diaphragm, widens thoracic cavity, ureters and urinary bladder are compressed. General: weight gain (from fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta, uterus, and water, increased storage of proteins, triglycerides, and minerals, marked breast enlargement in preparation of lactation, lower back pain due to lordosis. Cardiovascular changes: increase in sv and co by 30, increase in hr by 10-15, increase in blood volume by 30-50, compression of ivc decreases venous blood return and results in edema in lower extremities.