CAS BI 410 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cdx2, Blastocyst, Twin

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Zebrafish: squint and cyclops expressed in mesoderm and specify mesoderm, ysl at dorsal shield has b-catenin nuclearized = nieuwkoop center and organizer. Involution at bottom and epiboly at top: convergent extension, sqt+cyc+b-cat = chordino, noggin, gsc, dkk, boz which repress bmp2b. Bi 410: exam 2 study guide: nodal in epiblast induces dve migrates becomes ave (n. center) induces lefty+cerberus . Humans: conjoined twins: monozygotic, monoamniotic, monochorionic, split later than 14 days, anterior (--|wnt) posterior (wnt+bmp, posterior: ra+wnt+fgf = hox, hox/ra gof: early posterior expression, hox/ra lof: continued anterior expression. Erik davidson"s laws: conserved through evolution cross-species rescues. Repressor delimit spatial territories: relief of repression: installs a fate and initiates specification, lock-down loops: installs a non-reversible fate repressor-| tbr skeletogenic differentiation genes activated. Ex/ otx+b-cat induces pmar -| repressor-| delta notch and veg2 micromere specification and smc induction. Ex/ maternal nuclear b-cat induces krox otx gatae krox+otx .